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CLDC Station

My Yellow Warbler review

I have been banding birds for 18 years and I would like to start a series on my recapture birds that I have encountered during my banding carrier. The first bird that I would like to share is the Yellow Warbler.

2015/01/img_0281.jpg (more…)

Rainy Sunday at CLDC

Me cold and wet

On Sunday the 21st of June 2009 we opened the 3rd session of the CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) banding station! Three hours of banding with thick fog we closed the nets due to light drizzle and strong winds. Within the three hours of operation we captured 5 different species and banded 2 newly banded birds with 7 recaptures (total of 9 individuals).

Towhee and Grouse at CLDC

Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler

On Saturday the 13th of June 2009 we opened the 2nd session of the CLDC MAPS banding station! We captured 14 different species and banded 13 newly banded birds with 14 recaptures (total of 27 individuals).

First Day at CLDC for 2009

Wilsons Warbler
Wilson’s Warbler

Last Sunday after the Allegany Nature Pilgrimage we started banding over at the CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) banding station. We placed bands on 14 species and we placed new bands on 19 individuals. In addition to the newly banded birds we recaptured 2 Song Sparrows, 4 Common Yellowthroats, 1 House Wren and 1 Indigo Bunting which were previous year banded birds (for a total of 27 individuals).

Scarlet of a Day

Scarlet Tanager
Scarlet Tanager

Last Saturday we had a scarlet of a day banding at the CLDC station! We capture 10 different species and handled 36 individuals (18 newly banded birds and 18 recaptured birds)! Highlights were the Scarlet Tanager, Blue-winged Warblers, Chestnut-sided Warblers and Cedar Waxwing! Will turn this into an “almost” Wordless Wednesday! The pictures will tell you how exciting our day went!

Half a morning of banding

House Wren (baby)
House Wren (baby)

This Saturday morning we had a superb start at the CLDC MAPS banding station but then . . . . (to be continued)!!! We banded only 6 species, recaptured 9 individuals and placed new bands on 8 birdies (17 total captures). Species banded included Blue-winged Warbler, Gray Catbird, Song Sparrow, Field Sparrow, House Wren and a first for the year bird for me (also to be continued ).

Another CLDC Banding Report

Photo of me photographing the Veery by Jen

Please take the time to visit Jennifer’s blog post on her visit to the CLDC banding station this weekend!!

My First Babies

Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler

Today we banded our first babies at the CLDC MAPS banding station . . . . yep 3 baby chickadees decided to stop over for a visit. The morning started with some thick fog that got us more wet than helped us in capturing any morning birdies. Once the warm sun started evaporated the fog . . . . we finally began to capture our first birdies of the morning. Highlights included the Field Sparrow, Blue-winged Warbler, Veery, baby Chickadees and 2 Hairy Woodpeckers (although the woodpeckers were not the most cooperative visitors)!!


Its Friday the 13th and my power at home isn’t working. Guess the thunderstorm fried something again!!!

I think I have let everyone know already but tomorrows CLDL banding has been canceled due to 80 percent chance of thunderstorms hitting in the morning. We have rescheduled the banding for Sunday morning instead. Call me or email me if anyone has any questions.

Since my power is out, I am testing my blackberry with my first BB post. Hope it works. . . . BTW that photo is from young naturalist j last month when he was camping in the park.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

By the way Tom’s BlackBerry did not get this on the web but it did get on flickr so this is YOUNG NATURALIST J doing this post!!!

First Day at CLDC

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher

Last Sunday we started banding over at the CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) banding station and placed bands on 15 species (43 individuals). The highlight was the Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (first for the station and a year bird for me CHECK), Veery and Eastern Towhees. The Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was a late migrant passing through the area and just encourages me start doing spring/fall banding. Warblers banded included the Blue-winged Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Yellow Warbler, and Common Yellowthroat. Other commonly captured birds included the Gray Catbird, House Wren, Red-eyed Vireo, and Indigo Bunting.

Feathery Friday – Eye to Eye

Chestnut-sided Warbler and Young Naturalist J



Eastern Towhee

Eastern Towhee

Here is my end of the year report for the CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) 2007 season. I have not entered all the data into the computer yet . . . . so this is only preliminary “end of the year” report. I quickly went through the data for the species numbers (hope I didn’t miss anything)! We had 7 banding sessions and were able to capture 153 new individuals and 14 recaptured individuals from previous years. We used 10 (12 meter) Polyester mist-nets and banded for 6 hours after the official sunrise time. We had 167 different individuals captured with 200 total captures (including same year captures) for the 2007 season. (more…)

numbers and letters

data entry

If you don’t see me online for the next few days. . . . I will be going bug eyed entering many numbers and letters into two different databases! This is the part of bird banding that isn’t as much fun as being with the birds. I will try to take some breaks to see what everyone is up to this week!

Last CLDC MAPS Session

Taking a Bite

A recaptured Common Yellowthroat who remembers me from last year.

Today was our last CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) banding session for the 2007 season! This was such a wonderful year and I can’t wait to enter all my data into the computer to learn how this season compared with other years. I promise in the near future that I will do a summary for both CLDC and SWAT banding station. (more…)


Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

This morning was one of our foggiest days that we have had at the CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) Banding Station in a VERY long time. I feared that this thick fog would reduce the number of birds that we would end up capturing. Instead the birdies were soo abundant that we found ourselves spending most of our time trying to catch up with net checks! (more…)

Flickr Guest at CLDC MAPS

sunrise over the banding station

Sunrise Shot Overlooking the Banding Station

Yesterday was a slower day with the birds but we had some great company. Marg, who is a regular blog commenter and a wonderful flickr photographer visited the CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) banding station. It was an awesome way to spend some time together to talk about banding, flickr, photography and life in general. (more…)

The Banding Process

handfull of banding equipment

Many of our tools use when banding birds!

Last weekend I handed my camera over to Young Naturalist J to document our banding station for the day. Since this is an off weekend for me, I figured this would be a more than appropriate time to do this post since so many of my die-hard blogging friends have asked for this post. I sure hope this helps give you an idea on what we do at the banding station but do note that all photos (except the last one) were taken by Young Naturalist J! (more…)

A “Veery” Busy Day


Veery taken by young Naturalist J

You know that you had a busy day banding when you find that you had many wonderful birds and very few pictures to show. Today at the CLDC MAPS banding site we captured 11 different species and 42 different individuals. We collected 23 Avian Bird Flu samples, placed 26 new bands on birds and recaptured 16 individuals. I really need to go back in my records to see how long ago we captured some of these individuals. Maybe this would be a great wrap-up post??

Too Close for Comfort


Eye See You!

Eye See You (Indigo Bunting) (more…)

Baby Day at the CLDC Site

American Robin

American Robin fledgling.

Yesterday was our “Baby Day” at our CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) banding session. It appears that many of our fledglings are just starting to fledge the nest and will soon be on their own!! (more…)

Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers in Allegany State Park


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

In the 1930’s the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was considered “a regular summer bird of Allegany Park but it is not very common. It occurs regularly about the edges of big timber areas such as the Big Basin and other patches of mature Maple-Beech” (A.A. Saunders. 1942. Summer Birds of the Allegany State Park, NYS Museum Handbook 18). Saunders did not document any nesting pairs of Sapsuckers but did indicate that he saw some fledglings. Baird found the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker had gone from 0 breeding pairs in 1930 up to 282 breeding pairs in the Quaker Run Valley in just over 55 years (T.H. Baird. 1990. Changes in Breeding Bird Populations Between 1930 and 1985 in the Quaker Run Valley of Allegany State Park, NYS Museum Bulletin No. 477). I have also found the Sapsucker to be commonly found (if not the most commonly found woodpecker) here in Allegany State Park. But I have also found that they are more commonly heard moving through the woods than being seen. They are quickly identified by their unevenly drumming song and their cat-like call notes that are very distinctive for this species. (more…)

Spanish Day at CLDC Banding Site

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler

On Saturday we had a superb day at the CLDC MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) banding station. We banded 18 different species of birds, 23 were newly banded individuals, 9 were recaptured birds and we were able to collected 14 Avian Bird Flu samples. We had both Young Naturalist J and Young Naturalist C as my banding assistants for this banding session (including their parents). Young Naturalist C brought her friend Amy with her to the station and of course I also assigned some duties for her to do. (more…)

First Day of Banding

Black-billed Cuckoo

Sunday started our 7th season of banding over at the CLDC – MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) banding station. We were concerned over the weather remnants of “Barry” who got close enough that we almost had to close the station down early (due to the rain/thunder). Although we were lucky given that the thunderstorm passed just to the east of us and we received only a few rain drops. Temperatures ranged from 59F to 78F and everyone commented on how humid it was. It was cloudy for most of the morning and I think it was almost 11:00am once the sun finally start to peak through. (more…)

Keeping Busy

This year I am starting a second MAPS banding station and of course I waited till the last second to set both of the stations. I have had to pull multi flora rose thorns out of my leg, been bitten by bugs, scratched my eye with a stick, blisters are on my hands and I am just tired for working till 9pm each night. This evening I finally have gotten everything ready for one of the stations to be open and hope to finish setting up the second station tomorrow evening sometime (before the weather gets iffy again).

Stewart's Soda and Ice-cream (more…)