My life is about living with nature – here you can live it with me!

Nature Haikus – Geese

geese flying
By Young Naturalist C

In a v-shaped form
honk, honking into the sky
Long into the night

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9 responses

  1. Beautiful! Great picture to!

    19 November 2007 at 7:19 pm

  2. The leader of our local haiku group is a world-respected haiku poet who has not only published books on the subject & translated original Japanese haiku, but has also been invited to speak on the subject in Japan. The way he describes haiku is “a poem in a breath.” In this vein, I wrote the following nature poems;

    Hop hop hop hop
    Squirrel statue

    Startled alive
    Shy duck
    Bursts skyward

    Keep up the good work, regarless. Poetry is good, regardless of whatever “rules” & “forms” are “expected.”

    19 November 2007 at 8:34 pm

  3. @ YN-J – thanks
    @ Lana – Very cool for sure and thanks for sharing!! I didn’t know they had haiku groups, hmm! I am very proud of Young Naturalist C with these and glad everyone else have been enjoying them also! I have two more that I will be posting soon . . . . then maybe we can get her to write a blog haiku??

    19 November 2007 at 11:12 pm

  4. Beautiful picture of the geese. Really nice haiku, Young Naturalist C! By the way, I had never heard of haiku before I saw it on this blog and looked it up. I’m not too much into literature and the like, I guess. Another thing I learned coming here!

    20 November 2007 at 1:32 am

  5. Young Naturalist C is a great poet. I would love to see them start a nature haiku blog!

    20 November 2007 at 2:33 am

  6. @ erie – she did do great! Thanks, I had to google it also when she brought it in! . . . and we are learning these things from a young teen!!
    @ Lana – will mention it, thanks!

    20 November 2007 at 7:45 am

  7. Wow, beautiful photo and haiku C!! She should start her own blog. I’d subscribe! 😀

    20 November 2007 at 5:28 pm

  8. @ Pam – I bet many would! Then I wouldn’t have any content for my blog! LOL

    21 November 2007 at 7:16 am

  9. Grace

    They are all great verses, for sure.

    21 November 2007 at 3:10 pm

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