My life is about living with nature – here you can live it with me!

Following the Pot of Gold

A rainbow appeared around 3pm today after a constant 20 hours of rain. I just needed to open my windows due to temperatures being above average (71.2°F) and I wanted my cats to get some outside smells.  I had full intentions on going to Wal-Mart for some needed groceries but something told me to try to find that gold (or fluff ball) at the end of that rainbow!

OWL Photo taken by Birdmom in mid October during the Camp Flicker Event.

I have found myself reenergized after the opportunity of meeting Scott Weidensaul yesterday. We had some wonderful discussions on owl banding and I feel it helped me remember how important it is to get out each evening to study these owls.

As the sun started to set, I started asking questions like “will I continue to capture birds later than the previous two seasons”, “Could birds still be hanging around” or “could I capture any new birds tonight”?? All questions which I anticipate answering after another wonderful warm evening.

On my first net check there was a recaptured Northern Saw-whet Owl from a few nights previous but with this rain there weren’t any surprise that it was still hanging around. I did not expect that newly captured bird caught only minutes before a mini rain storm that hit. This has been my 31st bird this season.  During the 4th hour of operation the nets were closed due to a larger storm that started to approached from the south. Thank goodness for nexrad radar for giving me the heads up on this storm.

Redbacked Salamander

It’s so hard to believe that snow and more rain is predicted for the next few evenings. I saw numerous Redbacked Salamanders running along the the leaves and logs while closing my nets. It almost feels like April Showers without any of the May flowers. I don’t expect to open again until next Monday or Tuesday! 

FYI: I would like to thank my friend Bill Adams who blogged one of my owl photos from this site. Please check it out at:

3 responses

  1. Marg

    We sure are getting some interesting weather, last night I was putting out my recycling and was surrounded by fog!

    Yesterday was nonstop rain, actually stopped briefly while I went to the Lake to shoot the sunset, and finally saw some Buffleheads there 😀

    Congrats on Bill blogging your owl, will be heading there next, and of course congrats on still catching owls, don’t think we’ll be doing any this year.

    17 November 2006 at 9:05 am

  2. M0n@rch, I often wonder about these freak warm fronts and their effects on the ecosystem. So the salamanders come out when it gets warm… it makes me ask, where do they go when it turns cold again? Hee… maybe that would be a cool (pun intended) subject for an upcoming post or posts… animals and the seasons. j

    17 November 2006 at 9:44 am

  3. Thanks Marg and Jennimi!
    This weather has been interesting and I just want some nice weather to go out for good old nature walk and take some pictures! Jen – I have seen Spotted Salamanders walking over snow in the spring!! They just hide under the leaves or logs until it warms up enough to look for food! If you go into my camp flickr photos, we found a snake while it was snowing! There wasn’t much moving but you can find them in the winter! This winter I will be sure to try to blog something! Thanks for the great idea!

    17 November 2006 at 11:07 pm

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